World-class Advice for and Data Marketing

The use of structured data on the Web to communicate your message to the digital devices and services employed by your target audiences is an entirely new channel for online marketing, and with the thrust of all major search engines behind it, this revolution will come at high speed. But it isn't just about asking your developers to add a bit of markup in RDFa or HTML5 microdata syntax to trigger rich snippets in Google. Instead, it redefines the ecosystem and technical architecture of online marketing as a whole.

Our CEO invented the e-commerce core of and shaped the field. Based on over a decade of research, we will be pleased help you develop end-to-end strategies for optimizing the visibility of your products and services in this next generation of the Web.

Here are some examples of what we can do for you.


Adopting structured data as part of your online marketing should be based on a solid, sustainable strategy. This should address questions like the following.

  • Which information do you want to expose to search engines and mobile clients?
  • Which information do you want to keep for visitors of your pages?
  • If your information changes frequently, how can you make sure search engines show current data?
  • How does structured data affect your revenue models? If you are selling content, you need other approaches than someone selling products.
  • How can you include your sales and distribution channels?
  • How can you protect your intellectual property in this environment?

Implementing and GoodRelations for Large Retail Sites

If you are a major e-commerce company, or the market leader in a niche, with tens of thousands of items in your database, you need hand-crafted markup recipes embedded in an end-to-end strategy so that search engines can make most of your site.

Campaigning and Landing Pages

Leading edge data marketing allows for incredibly more granular campaigning and customized landing pages, but this requires very advanced data structures, processes, and analytics. We will tell you the pitfalls and best practices.

Data Supply

A successful data marketing strategy requires that your Web servers have fast and comprehensive access to data that is currently residing in back-end systems. We will help you identify the types of information that need to be available to your Web servers and suggest data quality management methods that ensure that such data, being suddenly exposed to the World Wide Web, does not put your reputation at risk.

Solutions for Vertical Industries

We will help you design extensions for and GoodRelations that meet the special needs of your vertical industry, e.g. for

  • automotive,
  • banking,
  • real estate,
  • retail, or
  • tourism and travel.

E-Commerce Software Vendors

If you are selling e-commerce or CMS software, you need to design a perfect architecture for serving structured data on the Web. The quality of this will determine the success of your users in Semantic SEO and data marketing scenarios. Typical questions are:

  • How can we provide rich markup off the box?
  • How can we support unlimited markup flexibility, e.g. for users in specific vertical industries?
  • How can we make changing data accessible to crawlers?

Data Quality Management for E-Commerce Information

High-quality online marketing and reliable process execution require reliable data in your company's databases, be it product model master data, inventory information, pricing rules, opening hours, customer addresses, etc. With leading-edge semantic technologies, we can help you manage data quality from a conceptual perspective, i.e. where it belongs. So whenever data quality constrains your e-commerce performance, contact us and we will provide a convincing proposal for sustainable data quality.


Semantic SEO requires setting up more granular online analytics to measure success or failure at the multiple stages of articulating your message. For instance, you will want to know how many of your items show rich snippets in Google. Or how effective structured markup is on the various pages of your site. In cooperation with leaders in the field, we can provide online analytics optimized for data marketing.

We will be happy to send you a proposal free of charge.

Call us now at +49 751 2708 5256-0
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